Channel: CupcakeJemma
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: hand madeperfectrecipesimplehow to makecrumbs and doiliesbakingcakecakesvanillacake techniquesjemmajemma wilsonbakeryfool proofstencilsbakerbuttercreameasycupcake jemmacupcakeshome madebuttercream stencilsdessertcrumbs & doiliescake stencilsbakegemmacupcakechocolate
Description: Stencilling is one of the hottest trends in the cake world right now so its only fair that we show you guys how to do it! Sally is here to show you the basics as well as some of her favourite amazing tricks and techniques to take your stencil cakes to the next level. Share your beautiful cakes with us over on Instagram and tag us with #cupcakejemma Check out our Tuesday Tips playlist for everything you need to know to get your cakes levelled, trimmed, filled, crumb name it, we got it! We love trying out new techniques and testing the latest trends so if theres anything you've seen and what to learn how to do it then let us know in the comments box! Join our Bake Club for heaps of extra content, exclusive deals and a downloadable written recipe for every video that we post here on youtube! Head to Patreon to sign up now, and if you opt for the annual subscription you'll get 2 months free! ---------------------------- JOIN THE BAKE CLUB FOR FULL DOWNLOADS: BAKE AT HOME KITS & MERCH: CAKES & COOKIES: INSTAGRAM: @cupcakejemma CAKESTAGRAM: @crumbsanddoilies